In 1999 the Shipyard management made a strategic decision to develop and implement a quality management system (QMS) at the Shipyard that meets the requirements of the International standard ISO 9001 and the standard GOST R ISO 9001.
In 2000 the QMS was developed, implemented and certified. Confirmation of the compliance of the QMS with the requirements of the above standards is carried out by the Certification Association «Russian Register». The compliance of the QMS with the requirements of the ISO 9001 standard is also confirmed by IQNet Association – The International Certification Network.
The functioning of the QMS at the Shipyard and confirmation of it compliance with the requirements of Russian and International standards confirms the stability of the Shipyard's and efficiency of its business processes, responsibility in relation to customers, compliance with technology and the desire for continuous improvement which are the fundamental principles of quality management.
QMS is developed and maintained with reference to the structural scheme of the Shipyard management and underlies the internal and external relationships, allocation of responsibility and authority of personnel in terms of ensuring, maintaining and improving of service quality.
The main objectives of the QMS are:
• ensuring the service quality at all stages;
• creation of customers confidence that contracts provisions will be fulfilled;
• ensuring the effectiveness of the QMS;
• constant increase in the effectiveness of the Shipyard's service taking into account the needs and requirements of customers.
Customer orientation is one of the basic principles of the Shipyard's QMS.