January. Repairs of the RTMK-S (freezing canning-super fishing trawler) of the Moonsund type, Project Atlantic 488 “ Kurshskaya Kosa”, and the RTMK-S “Boris Syromyatnikov” , ordered by UK FOR LLC, have been completed. Dock repairs of the tug "Tolbukhin" were carried out by order of the company "Galeon".
February. Repairs of the RTMK-S “Baltiyskaya Kosa”,ordered by UK FOR LLC, have been completed. Dock repairs of the tug "Tegen" were carried out by order of the company "MTA Logistika". Vessel “Loya” repair was completed by the order of company “Shishkoil”.
March. The Arctic transport vessel “Norilskiy Nickel” was repaired by order of PJSC “Norilskiy Nickel”. The repair of the motor ship "STK-1020" was completed by order of JSC “Northern River Shipping Lines”. The docking of the vessel “Spasatel Karev” was carried out by order of the company “Nord Maintenence” LLC. The motor ship "Baltiyskiy -202" was repaired by order of JSC "Aspol-Baltic". The tugboat "Uran" dry dock repairs at the request of CJSC “Port Fleet”.
April. The “Ambal” railway ferry was repaired by order of “SK-Yug” LLC. The sea tug "Senara" was repaired by order of “SK-Morwenna” LLC. The repair of the dredger “Waka Nami Go” commissioned by “Galeon” LLC has been completed.
May. Repair of RTMK-S (freezing canning fishing trawler-super) type “Moonzund” of the Atlantic project 488 RTMK-S “Boris Syromyatnikov” by order of the company “UK FOR” LLC. Repair of the vessel "Ursa Major" of the company "SK-Yug" LLC. The repair of the transport and installation barge TMB-2 “Yuri Kuvykin” was completed, commissioned by “SM NGS Engineering” LLC.
June. The repair of the training sailing ship "Young Baltiets" of the Maritime Transport Academy named after Admiral D.N. Senyavin has been completed. Repair of the tugboat "Sadko" commissioned by JSC “Rosnefteflot”. Repairs of RTMK-S "Boris Syromyatnikov" and RTMK-S "Ester" were completed by order of “UK FOR” LLC. The floating crane "PK-2077" of the “St. Peter's Terminal” LLC company was repaired. Repair of tugboat "Taurus" LLC "MTA-Logistics".
July. Dock repair of the container ship "Kristal Sankt-Petersburg" with major repairs of the shaft line ordered by JSC SLKA has been completed. Repair of the tanker "Volgoneft-56" of the company "Kontur SPB". Repair of the tug "Lukman" of LLC "Baltic Fleet". Tanker "Yenisey" of JSC “Norilsk Nickel” has been repaired.
August. The icebreaker "Dudinka" of JSC “Norilsk Nickel” has been repaired. Repair of the tug "Stavr" of JSC Rosnefteflot. The motor ship "Mikhail Dudin" of JSC "Concern Baltik" has left repairs. Repair of the vessel "Pizhma" ordered by JSC "SK-Yug".
September. Repair of the passenger vessel “Viking Akun” of Passenger Fleet LLC. Docking of the research vessel “Severny Polus” commissioned by Admiralty Shipyards JSC.
October. Repairs were completed on the tugs “Radomir” and “Ratibor” of JSC Rosnefteflot. Repairs were completed on the icebreaker “Kapitan Kosolapov” by order of FGUP Rosmorport. Repairs were completed on the icebreaker “Kapitan Nikolaev” by order of Galeon LLC. Repairs were completed on the tug “Tornado” by order of Baltic Fleet LLC. Tanker “GPN Nord-East” was repaired by order of Marine Energy LLC. Repairs were completed on the passenger ship “Viking Akun” of Passenger Fleet LLC.
November. The repair of the icebreakers “Kapitan Plakhin” and “Semyon Dezhnev” ordered by FGUP Rosmorport has been completed. The repair of the icebreaker “Admiral Makarov” ordered by Galeon LLC has been completed. The repair of the icebreaker “Nevskaya Zastava” ordered by Soyuz-S LLC has been completed. The trawler “Beloye More” has been docked by order of PJSC Vyborg Shipyard. The tanker “Aries” has been repaired, ordered by Sea Engineering LLC. The tanker “Abrau” has been repaired, ordered by Kontur SPB LLC. The repair of the motor ship “Narva” has been completed by order of SZTK Gross LLC. The tugboat “Typhoon” of Baltic Fleet LLC has been completed. The repair of the motor ship “Freya” has been completed, ordered by Marine Energo LLC. Repair of the floating crane "SPK-2/16" by order of Baltspetsflot LLC. Repair of the research vessel "Professor Logachev" by order of Polar Marine Geological Exploration Expedition JSC has been completed.
December. The trawler “Beloye More” docking repairs was completed. The tanker “Veles” was repaired at the request of Kontur SPB LLC. The tanker “Zaliv Kresta” was repaired at the request of JSC Chukotka Trading Company. The bulk carrier “Ula” was repaired at the request of Pola Rice LLC. The dredging barge ”Nereis” was repaired at the request of ATP No. 1 LLC.
January. Tanker “ Valery Zelenko”” was repaired for company LLC “Kontur SPB”. Docking of a large fishing trawler " Zakhar Sorokin” by order of JSC " UK FOR” .The conversion of the supply vessel "Murman-3" into a crab fishing vessel by order of LLC "Antey Sever" under way.
February. Repair of a large fishing trawler " Boris Syromyatnikov” by order of JSC " UK FOR” was completed. Docking of a large fishing trawler Project ST-192 by the order of JSC “ Admiralty Shipyards”. The conversion of the supply vessel "Murman-3" into a crab fishing vessel by order of LLC "Antey Sever" under way.
March. Repair of a tanker "Dmitry Rulevskiy” by order of JSC " Sea Engineering” was completed. Docking of a large fishing trawler “Dmitry Kozharskiy” by the order of JSC “Vyborg Shipyard”. The conversion of the supply vessel "Murman-3" into a crab fishing vessel by order of LLC "Antey Sever" under way.
April. The repair of the “PL-2” icebreaker-ferry and the floating crane “Demag” by the order of JSC “Baltiysky Zavod” has been completed. The repair of the research vessel "Professor Logachev" by the order of JSC "Polar Marine Exploration Expedition" was completed. Repair of the ferry "Baltiysk" of LLC "SK-YUG" was carried out. The scow “Fort” was repaired by order of “Remflot Master” LLC. The repair of the floating crane "SPK-325" of LLC "Hals" was completed. Repair of the research vessel "Akademik Vavilov" by order of LLC "Sprut-Service". The conversion of the supply vessel "Murman-3" into a crab fishing vessel by order of LLC "Antey Sever" under way.
May. The repair of the motor ship “Novaya Zemlya” ordered by the “Northern Shipping Company” was completed. The tugboats “Zubr” “MTA Logistics” and “Pavlovsk” of CJSC “Portoflot” were repaired. Docking of the trawler "Dmitry Kozharsky" by order of PJSC "Vyborg Shipbuilding Plant". Dock repair of the floating crane "SPK-334" of “LLC "SKAT". Tanker “Angara” was repaired by order of LLC “Scanship Neva”. The conversion of the supply vessel "Murman-3" into a crab fishing vessel by order of LLC "Antey Sever" under way.
June. The repair of large fishing trawlers " Kurshskaya Kosa", "Boris Syromyatnikov" and "Zakhar Sorokin" by order of “UK FOR” LLC has been completed. The repair of the large fishing trawler "Zamoskvorechye" of the company CJSC "Vestrybflot" has been completed. Docking of a large freezing fishing trawler of project ST-192 was carried out by order of JSC “Admiralty Shipyards”. The conversion of the supply vessel "Murman-3" into a crab fishing vessel by order of LLC "Antey Sever" continues.
July. The repair of a large autonomous freezing trawler BATM "Lazurny" of the company "Vestrybflot" was completed. Diesel-electric ship "Zapolyarny" of PJSC "Norilsk Nickel" was repaired. The repair of the floating crane "Bogatyr-4" was completed by order of JSC "Sea Port of St. Petersburg". Dock repair of the “Nimbus SPB” tanker was carried out on the order of “Sea Engineering” LLC. The tug "Mikhail Salnikov" was repaired by order of “Soyuz-S” LLC. Vessel "Korsakov" was repaired at the request of LLC "SSK". The conversion of the supply vessel "Murman-3" into a crab fishing vessel by order of LLC "Antey Sever" continues.
August. Kanonersky Shiprepairing Yard celebrated 140 anniversary of the Shipyard which was founded in1883 year. The dock repairs of the arctic tanker “Capitan Gotsky” of the “Sovcomflot” company have been completed. The “Arrow Star” company tanker “Alcor Star” was repaired. We carried out repairs on the tugboat "Borey" by order of the company "Kontur SPB". Testing of anchor chains on a chain testing mill was carried out for JSC “Kronstadt Marine Plant”. The conversion of the supply vessel "Murman-3" into a crab fishing vessel by order of LLC "Antey Sever" under way.
September. Docking of the crab fishing vessel "Vaigach" commissioned by PJSC "Krasnoe Sormovo". The tugboats “Perseus” and “Tegen” of the company “MTA Logistics” were repaired. The repair of the dredging vessel "Belomorskaya" was completed by order of JSC "Northern Shipping Company". Repair of the icebreaker "Captain Dranitsyn" by order of “Korsar” LLC. The conversion of the supply vessel "Murman-3" into a crab fishing vessel by order of LLC "Antey Sever" under way.
October. Dock No. 4 of the Kanonersky Shipyard carried out the 1000th docking of the vessel since the date of commissioning. Interestingly, the thousandth vessel was the floating dock PD-23, owned by the Baltspetsflot company. In honor of the anniversary docking, the Customer was given a discount. The Arctic tanker “Timofey Guzhenko” with a deadweight of 70,000 tons and a length of 257 meters was drydocked. The repair of the icebreakers “Captain Dranitsyn” and “St. Petersburg” of the “Rosmorport” company has been completed. Two longitudinal sections of the transport and installation barge “TB6000” with a length of 95 meters and a total width of 28 meters were connected with welding in the dock. Repair of the tanker "D. Rossini" by order of “Sea Engineering” LLC. The repair of the floating crane "PK-40" ordered by LLC "Gals" has been completed. Docking of the crab fishing vessel “Vaigach” by order of PJSC “Krasnoye Sormovo Plant”. Docking of the floating platform for helicopters “GPN-5” at the request of PF “Ecotech” LLC. Repair of the “Ebru” tanker commissioned by Kontur SPB LLC. The conversion of the supply vessel Murman-3 into a crab fishing vessel by order of “Antey Sever” LLC continues.
November. Completed the repairs of the arctic tanker “Timofey Guzhenko” with a deadweight of 70,000 tons and a length of 257 meters for company “Sovcomflot”.
Stern tube seals was repaired for the tanker “SKF Provider” of “Sovcomflot” company. Cargo vessel “ Sparta-3” repairs were completed. Tanker “Dunaevskiy” was repaired by order of “Nord Maintenance”. Tanker “ Ebru” repair was completed. The hull conversion of the supply vessel Murman-3 into a crab fishing vessel was completed.
December. The repair of the tanker "Arktika" was completed by order of NV-Bunker LLC. The motor vessel "Margaret" was repaired for MT-Group LLC. Repair of the tanker "Neva-Lux" commissioned by Sea Engineering LLC. The “Skif” tugboat was repaired by order of Transkago LLC. The repair of the floating dock “PD-23” of the Baltspetsflot company has been completed. The repair of the motor vessel “Vladimir Shumakov”, ordered by Ivolga LLC, has been completed.